Welcome to Backhaus Video! I’m excited to share my music videos with you. Each video showcases my journey as an artist, blending captivating visuals with my unique sound.
Check out my latest releases, featuring a mix of energetic and introspective tracks that resonate with different emotions. You can also explore some of my earlier work, each telling its own story.
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Thank you for joining me on this musical adventure. I hope you enjoy the videos!
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Losing my Religion
Cover of R.E.M.’s hit song from 1991. WOOM: Peter Backhaus, Leif Haglund and Georg Klint. A little easier, a little more swingy than the original. 4:45 min
Set Fire to the Rain
This Adele cover by Leif Haglund & Peter Backhaus, WOOM, felt like a bit of a challenge. True to our roots, we transformed this beautiful symphonic composition into more Rock, more Punk. The video is also playful and easygoing. 3:35 min
It’s all over now, Baby Blue
A Bob Dylan cover, a little inspired by Van Morrison’s version from 1966. I immediately thought of that strange abandoned house in Uddebo with the rooms full of useless stuff that someone had left but still collected once upon a time, when I was going to make the video. 3:49 min
Places of Consciousness
This is an art video reflecting on my life, all the mental places I’ve been to, journeys in my mind, roles I’ve played. Accompanied by my cover of Eric Burdon’s song “Immigrant Lad”. Eric Burdon has been my mental companion since I first heard his voice long ago. It has brought me into contact with a certain kind of longing I have always carried with me. 4:43 min
Tribute to Eric Burdon
New York 1963 – America 1968, Eric Burdon, my life partner since I started singing in bands. This recording, both video and music is a completely separate project, where I pay tribute to that time, in 1968 when I came to Sweden, I might as well have come to New York. 5:09 min
This is one of the songs we (Norman Bates Trio, Peter Backhaus, Arthur Ragnarsson and Gösta J.O. Persson) used in our cabaret performance “Rudi Ratlos”, Tom Waits’ RAIN DOGS. 3:07 min
This video was a PR assignment for the choir RABALDER, which under the direction of Lena Fridlund experienced its heyday in the early 2000s. After we had made a good audio recording of our cover version of Veronica Maggio’s STOPP, we also wanted a suitable video. My first association was “WHITE”. What could not be better than having the choir act in that strange white plaster room at Gothenburg School of Art, where I was working at the time. I also got help from one of the school’s interested students who acted as the schizophrenic main character. She was actually working on an art-project in her own studio rather similar to Maggio’s STOPP. 3:47 min
Clap Hands
An early recording of Tom Waits “Clap Hands” with Norman Bates Trio. I had moved to my farm in the woods in the middle of nowhere, longing for the good times we had had together. 3:38 min.
The Lavender Song
The Lavender song. One of the songs that were part of Norma Bates Trio’s cabaret project “Rudi Ratlos”. 3:29 min.
Man Ska, vers 4
In 1996, I took a decisive step towards liberation. Like so many times before me, I too had taken the sins of my brothers’ fathers upon me and tried to pay for them. In different ways in my art, in my actions, my self-image, my black worldview, in my writings. But I noticed that I did not dare to speak plainly. For the exhibition at Galleri Aveny in Gothenburg, I had together with my friend Gösta J.O. Persson produced a performance that would change that. Automatically written texts to expressive synth sounds, a large number images of “unwanted” humans from mental hospitals and Nazi propaganda films filled the walls. A large pyramid of soaps in the middle of the gallery room filled with visitors to the bursting point and right out into the street. Butoh, the first Butoh dancers had been looking for the same purification in the Japanese woods after their anxious heritage from the second world war as I had in my German homeland. Hence my direct sympathy for this form of expression. After this catharsis I was free and able to let go. 2:09 min.
Man Ska, vers 3
Hela uppträdandet bestod av nio verser. Den sista tar upp själva temat, Man Ska, en text jag hade skrivit, rakt ner i mitt minne när jag gick med bestämda steg mot stan. “Man ska va ärlig, man ska va nykter, man ska va rökfri …. Men jag…. Den sista versen var också styckets klimax, musikaliskt och bildmässigt med en viss chockeffekt. 3:08 min.
Immigrant Lad
The black one. This version is, in the true sense of the word, jet black. It is my recording of Eric Burdon’s song “Immigrant Lad” from the record ”Everyone of us”. It is about longing, separation, the impossibility of getting out of the social misery that seems to be in people’s DNA, about the misery of poverty, about the hard life in the mining town where the black wind blows mercilessly. About the hopelessness and about the necessity to get out of there! “And I built me a bridge of steel to beat that black river forever!” Sometimes I think that one must first go down to the bottom of the shadow, one’s inner blackness, in order to rise towards the light. 4:20 min.
Niel Young, en säregen artist. Jag har inte alltid uppskattat hans “mesiga” sångstil, men på senare tid uppfattar jag den mer som känslig. “Thrashers” är en fin låt med många småsurrealistiska textrader. “Down the windy halls of friendship, To the rose clipped by the bullwhip”, “Burned my credit card for fuel, Headed out to where the pavement turns to sand”, “With a one way ticket to the land of truth, And my suitcase in my hand”….Den här är versionen är ganska rak i sången med lite discofeeling. 5:04 min
A cartoon for my cover of Viktor Leksell’s hit song “Svag”. I was inspired by the lyrics that describe the stifling ingredients in the traditional male role and how beneficial it can be to allow yourself to be weak sometimes. I twist that theme a bit by also showing women who voluntarily expose themselves to the same stifling limitations. 3:17 min
Chasing Cars
A video I made for WOOM’s cover of “Chasing Cars.” I felt that this film should not really contain anything other than a long slide from living to dead forest to an incomprehensible vessel, a vessel for the last voyage. 4:36 min
Presentation Peter Backhaus
An artist presentation that Aesthetica has produced for Pashmina Art Gallery in 2023. 2:10 min
Interview from the exhibition “Body Spaces” in Venice 2024. 3:05 min
An interview about my artistic strategy. Made in 2024 in Greiz, Germany. Actually not that far from the place where I was once born. 3:05 min
Clap Hands
This Video is one of the first where I tried to combine my work as an artist and my musical ambitions. Done on analog video editing a long time ago. 3:55 min